Light Adjustable Lens

RxSight Light Adjustable Lens® (LAL) is the state-of-the-art technology is the only intraocular lens implant that enables ophthalmologists to customize a patient’s vision after cataract surgery.
Cataract surgery is the most performed procedure in the United States. About 50% of Americans will develop cataracts by age 75, a percentage that is projected to increase as life expectancies continue to rise. Cataracts form when the proteins and fibers in your eye’s natural lens begin to break down, causing hazy or cloudy vision.
Once begun, cataracts only worsen until surgery is necessary. During surgery, a patient’s natural lens is removed and replaced with a clear synthetic one. Until now, surgeons relied upon the accuracy of pre-surgery measurements to determine a patient’s post-operative prescription power. RxSight’s Light Adjustable Lens is changing that with the ability to customize vision after surgery.
Studies show that patients who receive the LAL and the recommended post-surgery treatments were more likely to achieve 20/20 vision or better without glasses compared to cataract patients who have standard lens implants. The LAL is made of proprietary material that can be adjusted post-surgery using the RxSight Light Delivery Device to deliver targeted ultraviolet light treatments. The LAL can be adjusted to meet every patient’s lifestyle and needs.
What is the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL)?
Many patients want more control of their cataract surgery outcomes and more customized vision after surgery. The Light Adjustable Lens is the first and only lens that is fully adjusted and customized after surgery. What makes the LAL so exciting is that after surgery you will be able to preview and test different visual outcomes before we lock in your final vision. This has never been an option in cataract surgery before this lens.
What is the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL)?
Many patients want more control of their cataract surgery outcomes and more customized vision after surgery. The Light Adjustable Lens is the first and only lens that is fully adjusted and customized after surgery. What makes the LAL so exciting is that after surgery you will be able to preview and test different visual outcomes before we lock in your final vision. This has never been an option in cataract surgery before this lens.
Who is the ideal patient for LAL?
The LAL is a great choice for many patients and should be the preferred and ideal lens option for patients with minor astigmatism and patients who want the best monofocal IOL experience for distance vision.
What makes LAL unique?
Never before has there been a lens technology that is fully customizable and adjustable after surgery. This is important to patients because they now have control of their vision outcome and can actually preview and test their vision after surgery.
Who is the ideal patient for LAL?
The LAL is a great choice for many patients and should be the preferred and ideal lens option for patients with minor astigmatism and patients who want the best monofocal IOL experience for distance vision.
What makes LAL unique?
Never before has there been a lens technology that is fully customizable and adjustable after surgery. This is important to patients because they now have control of their vision outcome and can actually preview and test their vision after surgery.