Vuity is a prescription eye drop that may help improve your vision of objects and text up close. The eye drops may improve your vision for up to six hours.
Never before has there been a lens technology that is fully customizable and adjustable after surgery. The Light Adjustable Lens by RxSight is a great choice for many patients considering cataract surgery.
Color blindness is having trouble distinguishing some colors from others. The types of color blindness are categorized as Red-Green color blindness, Blue-Yellow color blindness, and Complete color blindness.
The most important thing to remember to do if you scratch your eye is to call your Ophthalmologists' clinic. Something simple can easily lead to terrible outcomes that permanently affect your vision long term.
“A person with 20/20 vision can see what an average individual can see on an eye chart when they are standing 20 feet away,” says Dr. McKinney. So what is 20/10?